2023 CSA
Now is the time to sign up for our 2023 Farm Share/CSA! With our new irrigation system and extra garden bed this year is looking to be better than ever.
A $125 share will include weekly or bi-weekly boxes of fresh produce, blueberries, herbs, eggs, baked goods, and other farm products, and comes with unlimited Pick Your Own berries during the blueberry season.
More information below.

2023 Weekly Share Boxes
Share members get 10% off additional produce at the farm, including blueberries.
Weekly shares can be picked up at the farm, or delivered within a 15 mile radius of the farm at locations agreed upon between the member and the farm.
By purchasing a CSA share you are indicating that you understand and agree to the following:
CSAs support farms by creating a partnership between the farmer(s) and the customers(s). Customers share in the return and the risk of the farm. It is understood that owners and assets will not be held responsible for any total or partial crop loss* and members/shareholders will not seek repayment for the loss of their share. In the event of a partial loss, Smith Ridge Farm will work to adjust the remaining produce to fulfill a reasonable expected value of the remaining portion of the share. Smith Ridge Farm will diligently work within reason and ability to prevent crop loss.
*Losses may include, but are not limited to acts of nature/weather, disease, insect/animal/wildlife damage, and criminal activity.
What is a CSA?
CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. The original idea was that the customers/community that depend on the farm for food support the farm in the "slow season" so they will have produce to buy/eat in the bountiful seasons. It's kind of like purchasing a subscription to the farm up front, and getting the benefits for the whole season. This supports the farmer through bad seasons as well. When the farm does well, the customers reap more than they pay for. If the farm had a bad year the customers may not get all their money's worth, but they are helping to keep the farm afloat for future years.
You can learn more about this at www.localharvest.com/csa
Over time a number of CSA models have emerged, some involving less risk for the customers.
** Smith Ridge will not sell your personal information to other companies for any reason. Smith Ridge uses your personal information for communication, billing purposes, and analytics only. Third party apps (such as Square) will be used only to collect orders and payment, or process orders. See Square's privacy policy here.